Saturday, December 13, 2008
Roses are red, violets are bluish, if it weren't for Christmas, we'd all be jewish...

Posted by Ashley Anne at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Just your average evening walk to the local Harris Teeter!
The street ner our apartment is all lit up for Christmas, and it's Snowing! We walked down to the Harris Teeter (local brand new grocery store) to get the fixin's for some enchiladas and give Penny some excercise. Very cold!
Posted by Ashley Anne at 6:54 PM 1 comments
Camping indoors with a 42 inch flatscreen and an x-box.
It turns out that even in my unemployment, lack of furniture, lack of funds, lack of hobbies I still can't find time to a) update the blog I just created or b) fix the two posts I DID manage to create that contain grammatical errors (thanks for pointing them out, Mother) and wonky photos. I will try to be better, but I can't promise anything.
We arrived in Virginia! Wooo! The rest of the road trip was fun, we spent about 4 days with Kyle in Nicole in Kentucky and did all sorts of fun things like eating taters and going to Dino World and the Maker's Mark Distillery. But now too much time has passed and I don't feel like going into all the fun details.
I will, however, update you on live in the VA. Basically life in our nice luxury apartment consists of 2 camping chairs (with footrests, nothing but the best!), our 42 inch tv sitting on an overturned plastic storage bin, an air mattress (that actually isn't that bad, I was concerned that when Ryan got out of bed, I would sink to the floor or that during the night he would weigh his side down so much that I would slide over and be stuck in the middle of the bed. Not the case with this air bed). Our stuff is still pretty much strewn all over as we don't have the appropriate receptacles for our items.
The job hunt is on, but as yet has been unsuccessful. Ryan got a pretty promising response from a phone interview he had, so we are thinking good thoughts about that but trying not to get our hopes too up.
In the meantime Ryan and Penny have entered into a power struggle. Immediately outside of our "Veranda" aka "Porch" is some dirt and we would really enjoy for Penny to make that her designated potty area to avoid having to walk all the way out of the complex in the cold only to have her poo on the floor of the parking structure (in front of a person no less, naughty puppy!). She has been resisting. Ryan refuses to give up on her, so on day one of the power struggle he took her out to the spot, which she can access by jumping through the bars on our patio, repeatedly with no success. She pretty much is just holding everything in and had been pretty good about not having accidents on the floor. She finally went #2 out there, and he got so excited that he let her come back in and started playing with her. Unfortunately this caused a tidal wave of urine to come out that she couldn't even control when he tried to pick her up to carry her out.
The struggle continued on to today. She last had used the facilities when we took her to the dog park at approximately 5:30 last night. She continued to defy Ryan all day long, when she finally peed on the dirt as FAR as her leash would possibly go away from the porch at 4:30 PM. Success after nearly 24 hours of probable discomfort!
Stay tuned as the saga continues...
Posted by Ashley Anne at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
"...And that's why Kevin Bacon was so Successful. Everyone loves Bacon. If it had been Kevin Ham...or Ground Beef..."
Last we left off I was climbing on the Ball of Twine in lovely Cawker City, and I would like to take this time to ponder the reason that in most of these towns housing such amazing and precious attractions, I felt like I may or may not get knifed before snapping my pics and heading on my way. At the BoT there were 2 hoodlums racing around the block housing the BoT playing loud music and being hoodlummy. They clearly hate all things BoT including intrepid pilots who make a quick stop to check it out. I doubt they participated in the Twine-a-Thon the third weekend of August every year.
Moving on. Day 4 was a big day, though did not have many attractions planned, so we were relying on the POI we found along the way. One thing I do love to do is go into old houses and snoop around. So, I was pretty excited when I found a sign for the Harry S. Truman house and olden times jail. I thought yes! A chance to redeem myself from the tragedy that was the closed frontier prison, and I would be able to poked around the homestead of the ??th president. Wrong. We drove deep into the heart of Independence, MO only to find that the Harry S. Truman house was not open and there was a huge fence around it so I couldn't even go peek in the windows. The olden times jail was also closed.
I was determined to make lemonade out of these lemons, so I demanded we go instead to the Pioneer Museum nearby. $10 and 10 minutes of browsing later, we didn't even get to poke real artifacts. The museum focused mostly on the Lewis and Clark trail which unfortunately I already learned about in great length in elementary school. The lady at the front desk touted the real diary excerpts housed in the museum because they had some awesome artifact library. "Real diary excerpts" = "typed up papers printed out not even on old timey looking paper." Total bust.
So now we have wasted 1 hour in Independence, MO, and I do not feel at all like I was "where it all began." as the signage promised me. The day was not a total loss, however. After Independence we went through St. Louis and got to see those cool arch things. (We saw them while driving by, no time for stopping as Independence received our allotted attraction viewing time.)
We were able to squeeze in some time to view the World's Largest Catsub Bottle in nearby Collinsville, IL. Unfortunately, it is not filled with ketchup, but awesome nonetheless.
We rounded out day 4 by crossing into Kentucky and arriving at Kyle and Nicole's house in Fort Knox where we will spend the next 4 days before finishing our trip to DC!
Posted by Ashley Anne at 7:45 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Mormons and Potatoes don't accomodate my travel schedule.
With an anticipated departure time of 10 AM on Saturday morning, we went ahead and left Eugene at approximately 1 PM after we got a big rip in our giant car topper bad and had to do some patchwork.
This ruled Attraction #1: Underground Pendleton. So we pushed on to Boise and got in real late and went to sleep. The good news, the bag patching job that Ryan and his dad did seems to be sufficient, and his loose beer mug boxer shorts we shoved in there at the last minute haven't didn't end up all over rural wherever. Penny has a special little spot in the car with her bed and some sweet toys. She stays up there most of the time except she gets a little creepy in the last couple hours of driving and launches herself on Ryan's head.
We wake up bright and early on Sunday morning and am pretty psyched about the attraction line up: giant roadside dinos, Idaho potato museum, Dino park in Ogden Utah.
Giant roadside dinos? Check. They were as sad and pathetic as you might imagine.
Idaho potato museum? Bust. Not open on Sundays.
Dino park in Ogden? Bust. Mormons don't want me to see the dinos.
So instead we stopped by Twin Falls Idaho, my mom's former stomping grounds. I was pretty much wallowing in the severe dissapointment of not seeing any dinos or potatoes until we saw a group of people decide to base jump off of this giant bridge. We stayed to watch 4/5 of them. #5 was clearly a rookie and we didn't have time to wait around for him to sack up and jump.
We went down through Utah and back up into Rawlins, Wyoming where we spent the night to prepare for the first stop of Day 3. I decided to call ahead to get the hours only to discover that the Frontier Prison Museum is by appointment only. No sitting in a real gas chamber for this kid.
Today we got up even earlier and detoured to Medicine Bow, Wyoming where the sites of the Como Bluff dinosaur fossil dig are located. The site yielded 28 new species of dinosaurs at the time it was discovered including the great Diploducus which is on display in the NY museum of whatever history. You're not allowed to to go off the road to check out the fossils as it is private property and also undeveloped land that is the home to rattlesnakes, but you can stop and see a cabin made entirely of dinosaur fossils. The cabin allegedly is also a museum that contains some fossils but I would not know as it was closed. It was also 19 degrees out so we had to keep the visit short.
Onward through the great state of Wyoming, which consists of a lot of nothing and a few little towns, we went through Laramie and saw a giant Abe Lincoln head statue off the highway. Constructed in honor of 150 years of Abe's birth. We stopped to say hey. It was also the highest point on that highway, 8,000 something feet.
We drove down to Colorado and got on a toll road to avoid going through Denver. $7.45 and 15 additional minutes to our route later we were hot on the trail of the Biggest Ball of Twine. On the freeway I saw several really awesome signs that were urging me off the freeway. See Live Rattlesnakes! Pet Baby Pigs! 6 Legged Steer! and the kicker: World's Largest Prairie Dog! I looked it up online and saw that it was part of Prairie Dog Town! Just off the freeway! A must-see for the intrepid pilots of 1-70 East. WE are intrepid pilots! So we call the number listed and it rings and rings. It would add about 40 minutes to the trip to go to PDT, should we do it? Should we chance it being closed? Would we always wonder if we had missed out on a giant Prairie Dog (visible from OUTER SPACE!) or the 6 legged steer (2 underdeveloped legs hanging out of its neck?! SICK!). We decided to chance it. It was closed. Looked like it had been closed for the last 10 years. We could see the prairie dog over the fence, it was not that huge, and doubtedly visible from space. Bust.
Time for the ball of twine! Everything I dreamed of and more, although I am dissapointed that we didn't arrive in the 3rd weekend of August to partake in the annual Twine-a-Thon and add our own twine to the ball!
So that's it, the end of day 3.
Posted by Ashley Anne at 11:48 PM 1 comments